Tuesday, October 30, 2007


i just got back my internet and it is 11:47pm so i'm still in time to wish yu HAPPY TWENTIETH BIRTHDAY!

haha i shall go delete what i asked jus to write for me.

anyway i love yu manymanymanymanymanymanymany baby pooi! thanks for being such a wonderful lovely friend and sister-in-Christ. i thank God for yu :)

may your faith continue to grow and yu walk closer with God. and may yu be blessed with all your heart's desire :)

quote, OPEN YOUR EYES, unquote. lol ;)

love yu plenty,
sarah yuen


Happy Birthday Rachael! I bet you are crying by now already you freaking emo girl. Anyway, since Thea put such an ugly photo of you, I thought I would put up this picture of you looking damn hot. Don't you feel bad that I remembered your birthday when you didn't even remember mine.

Keeping in the spirit of all the posts on this blog, have a blessed birthday.
