Sunday, October 28, 2007

i know u love me

hello rachel leong

chris kang here

you never wish me happy birthday last time but its ok i damn nice so i wish you

have a good celebration and a good year ahead :)

stop drinking, smoking, and cut down on your excessive flirting


chris kang

p.s. hurry go find boyfriend wait you die single then you know


happy 20th young child... hope you grow up to be more beautiful, more lovely, more understanding, more empathetic, and more godly.. you're almost there la. just listen to me more and be open to new suggestions. enjoy your birthday. do something radical ya. like sing in public!
all the best,

precept upon precept, year upon year, you get even older.

so you're 20 eh, time to upgrade singlets. haha. (ok yes, joking, and the joke will stop here).
anyway, i really don't know what else people say on birthday msgs excpet for 'how great you are' and 'how good a friend you are' and 'i love you' hahah.
so, i shall do the same.
i thank you for everything you've done for me. like your screams, your superpokes, your msgs, your telephone calls, you are my everthing and i love you alot. hahahahahahha. no la, but seriously, i really thank God for you. i think you know that already. heh.
so enjoy this special day of yours. study hard, exams are coming, its all going to start again. 6ams and 8pm dinners, and gohometimings of 3am, CR 5. haha.

friday night lights exploded in the sky.


Hello Rachael! Happy birthday!!! Hahahahah. You like the picture of you? I like!

Anyway! Happy birthday once again. I was gonna write you a card but since your friends came up with this ingenious idea of setting up a massive virtual card on a blog, I shall just write your card here! Thank you for being kind and always giving me rides to newton and the like, and waiting for me after trial advo so I can get a lift back to church! I have deduced from there that you are a very kind person. You are also growing more accustomed to the wayward ways of this world. (: Which Val will be happy about and which is a good thing. Nonetheless, you remain rooted in God and His Word and I believe you constantly seek to grow and learn. So keep growing and learning and maybe one day you will reach nirvana, like Buddha. Though I doubt you want to be like Buddha and Ben Liew already thinks you have attained nirvana. Haha.

Happy 20th Birthday and may the Lord's will be done in your life (esp in the light of exchange. He knows best.)
